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How to Prevent Cancer

Cancer prevention is action taken to lower the chance of getting cancer.


Hopefully, this will lower the number of deaths caused by cancer.

Exercise Regularly
Eat Healthy
Don't Smoke
Safe Sex

The World Health Organisation estimates that one in three cancers could be prevented – cervical cancer is one of the most preventable cancers, but breast cancer is one of the least preventable cancers.


As cervical cancer is linked to the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), vaccination against the virus can reduce the risk of cervical cancer.  In Malaysia, all girls aged 13 are offered HPV vaccinations in schools and women can consider getting a vaccine through their doctor.



Other than HPV vaccination, safe sex practices can help prevent cervical cancer and these include:

  • Use condoms 

  • Limit number of sex partners

  • Avoid sexual intercourse with people who have had many partners

  • Avoid having multiple sex partners

  • Avoid sexual intercourse with people who has infection on their genitals.


As breast cancer is linked to many risk factors, there are no effective ways to prevent breast cancer.  However, women can reduce their risk by breastfeeding their children, having a healthy diet, exercising regularly and avoiding weight gain when they go through menopause.

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