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Benefits of Breast Cancer Screening 

Regular breast screening allows women to detect cancer at an early stage when it is curable.  Women who are not aware of the signs of breast cancer and women who do not attend screening are more likely to develop cancers that are at late stages when it is harder to cure. As breast cancer is the most common cancer in Malaysia, doctors recommend that women undergo regular screening for the early detection of breast cancer as it lowers the chance of dying from breast cancer. 

Breast Cancer | Survivors stories

Breast Cancer | Survivors stories

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Risks of Breast Cancer Screening 


The amount of radiation in a mammogram is small and there is minimal risk in having a mammogram. A breast ultrasound has no risk from radiation. It poses no risk to pregnant women

Limitations of Breast Cancer Screening 


Breast ultrasound may miss small cancers that are commonly found with mammography.

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